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Wolsong Tritium Removal Facility

Wolsong, Korea

Aecon assembled one of the comprised four AECL skids destined for the Wolsong Tritium Removal Facility located in Korea. Its scope included the supply of materials, labour, tools and equipment required for the assembly and installation of the vessels, heat exchangers, steam heater and gas cooler, valving, piping, fittings, instrumentation, painting and supports. Aecon also carried out inspection and testing of the skid assembly, including a helium leak test, prior to its packaging and shipping to Korea.

In CANDU reactors, deuterium (heavy water) is used as a moderator and also as the primary heat transport from the nuclear fuel. In time, tritium is formed by neutron capture by the deuterium, producing a mixture of tritiated deuterium. The purpose of the Tritium Removal Facility is to reduce the tritium concentration in the heavy water moderator.

Korea Hydro and Nuclear Power Company (KHNP)

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