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News Release

Aecon / Dufferin joint venture selected as Preferred Proponent for the Airport Rail Link Spur Project

Oct 25, 2011
Aecon Group Inc. announced today that its Infrastructure Division, in a joint venture with Dufferin Construction Company, a division of Holcim (Canada) Inc., has been selected as the preferred proponent by Infrastructure Ontario and Metrolinx, to design, build, and finance a three-kilometre rail line for the Air Rail Link (ARL) and an ARL passenger station at Toronto Pearson International Airport.

News Release

The Hotel Georgia Project

Oct 25, 2011
On May 7, 2011, the Rosewood Hotel Georgia officially opened its doors; exactly 84 years to the day since it originally opened in 1927. Restored to its former glory, it has been transformed into Vancouver’s most sophisticated hotel.

News Release

Aecon builds things that matter in Calgary

Oct 24, 2011
Aecon has established a Western Canadian Headquarters in Calgary, Alberta to anchor its presence in Western Canada.

News Release

Aecon named one of Canada’s Best Employers for fifth consecutive year

Oct 24, 2011
Aecon Group Inc. announced today that it has been named one of the Best Employers in Canada for 2012 in an annual study conducted by Aon Hewitt. Results will appear in the October 31 issue of Maclean’s magazine and in the November 3 edition of La Presse.

News Release

Aecon awarded significant fabrication and module assembly packages

Oct 20, 2011
Aecon Group Inc. announced today that its Industrial West Division has been awarded two contracts totaling $132 million for fabrication and module assembly work for a large SAGD (steam assisted gravity drainage) oilsands project near Fort McMurray, Alberta.

News Release

Aecon awarded two significant contracts in the resources sector

Oct 4, 2011
Aecon Group Inc. announced today that its Lockerbie and Hole Eastern division has been awarded two significant contracts at mine sites in British Columbia and New Brunswick. The contracts, with the Thompson Creek Metals Company and the Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan Inc., are expected to generate over $250 million in revenues for Aecon.

News Release

Aecon 2011 Q3 Dividend

Sep 27, 2011
Aecon Group Inc. announced today that its Q3 Dividend will be paid on October 7th to Shareholders of Record on September 30th.There is no change to the amount which remains $0.05 per share per quarter (or $0.20 per annum).

News Release

Aecon opens Western Canadian headquarters in Calgary

Sep 20, 2011
Aecon Group Inc. today announced the establishment of its Aecon West Headquarters in Calgary, Alberta.

News Release

Aecon reports second quarter 2011 results

Aug 2, 2011
Aecon Group Inc. today reported its results for the second quarter of 2011.

News Release

A bright Idea - Ikea's Solar Panels

Jun 1, 2011
IKEA has a well-deserved reputation as one of the Greenest Employers in Canada for its long standing partnership with Tree Canada, green parking policies, mandatory environmental training programs and sustainable procurement guidelines. And now, thanks to a project involving Aecon Buildings, it can add clean, sustainable solar power to its resume.

News Release

Aecon joint venture awarded $150 million contract for Port Mann Main Water Supply Tunnel in Vancouver

May 31, 2011
Aecon Group Inc. today announced that a joint venture in which its Infrastructure Division is participating has been awarded a project with Metro Vancouver for the construction of a Water Supply Tunnel under the Fraser River in Greater Vancouver, British Columbia.

News Release

Aecon awarded two Union Gas contracts totalling $26 million

May 12, 2011
Aecon Group Inc announced today that its Industrial Division has been awarded two construction contracts from Union Gas totalling $26 million. Under the contracts, Aecon is providing comprehensive construction services, including project management, at two natural gas compressor stations wholly owned by Union Gas Limited.

News Release

Aecon’s first quarter 2011 results: revenues continue to grow, strong outlook reaffirmed on back of record Q1 backlog

May 3, 2011
Aecon Group Inc. today reported its results for the first quarter of 2011.

News Release

Aecon announces commencement of a Normal Course Issuer Bid

Mar 14, 2011
Aecon Group Inc. announced today that it is commencing a normal course issuer bid that will enable it to purchase up to 5,527,277 common shares of Aecon over a 12 month period, representing up to 10% of Aecon’s “public float” as of March 14, 2011, determined in accordance with the rules of the Toronto Stock Exchange (the “TSX”).

News Release

Aecon reports year end results for 2010

Mar 8, 2011
Aecon Group Inc. today reported its financial results for the fourth quarter and full year 2010.

News Release

IST awarded two contracts totalling $46 million

Mar 4, 2011
Aecon Group Inc. announced today that its wholly owned subsidiary Innovative Steam Technologies (IST), has been awarded two international contracts totalling $46 million to supply its Once Through Steam Generators (OTSG), and its Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) technology.

News Release

Balance of Power - The Waneta Power Project

Mar 1, 2011
When the Waneta Power Project is completed in 2015, British Columbia will have an additional 350 kilowatts of clean reliable hydroelectric power a year.

News Release

Nova Scotia Power’s New Headquarters - Delivering A New Energy to Halifax’s Waterfront

Mar 1, 2011
What could be more appropriate as the headquarters of a power company.

News Release

The Ship Hector

Mar 1, 2011
The Hector, a replica of a three-masted sailing ship that plied the seas between Scotland and Canada, has a new temporary home at Aecon Fabco’s facility in Pictou.

News Release

The Spy Hill Peaking Station - East Meets West

Mar 1, 2011
A short distance east of the village, and dominating the surrounding area, stands the hill after which the village of Spy Hill was named. And not far away, another landmark is taking shape – a natural gas fired electrical generating plant currently under construction by Aecon Industrial.

News Release

Aecon announces successful finalization of Quito Airport project restructuring

Feb 9, 2011
Aecon Group Inc. announced today that the previously disclosed restructuring of the Quito International Airport project has been finalized, and project funding has resumed.

News Release

Aecon announces loss on oilsands project

Feb 4, 2011
Aecon Group Inc. announced today that change order negotiations on Suncor’s Firebag III Central Plant Facilities (CPF) project will result in significant losses being recorded on the project.

News Release

Scott Balfour to leave Aecon as President and Director

Jan 20, 2011
Aecon Group Inc. today announced that Scott Balfour will be stepping down as Aecon’s President and as a Director, effective January 31, to pursue other opportunities. John M. Beck, Aecon’s Chairman and CEO will assume Mr. Balfour’s responsibilities.

News Release

Aecon finalizes sale of Cross Israel Highway concession

Jan 4, 2011
Aecon Group Inc. announced today that it has completed the previously disclosed sale of its 25% interest in the Cross Israel Highway concessionaire, Derech Eretz Highways (1997) Ltd. (DEC).