Annacis Water Supply Tunnel Vancouver, British Columbia Ensuring the sustainable, reliable supply of clean drinking water for growing communities, the project involves the construction of two deep vertical shafts, one on each side of the Fraser River, connected by a 2,350-metre tunnel between New Westminster and Surrey, as well as the installation of a watermain, valve chambers and surface piping. View Project
Bell Canada Gigabit Fibe Service Canada With Aecon’s help, Bell has been deploying gigabit fibe service quickly and efficiently, while revolutionizing the way that internet access is delivered to customers' homes. Aecon is no stranger to working with Bell Canada. View Project
Bruce Power Fuel Channel and Feeder Replacement Tiverton, Ontario The project is the centrepiece of the Major Component Replacement (MCR) program which will see the replacement of the main components of the reactor. Unit 6 is the first of six reactors being replaced by Bruce Power through the MCR program. View Project
Bruce Power Steam Generator Replacement Tiverton, Ontario The Steam Generator Replacement Team (SGRT), has been contracted to replace steam generators at Units 3,4 and 6 of the Bruce Nuclear Generating Station in Tiverton, Ontario. SGRT is a 50/50 joint venture between Aecon and SGT (a partnership between Framatome and United Engineers & Constructors). View Project
Buffalo Pound Water Treatment Plant Renewal Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan The Buffalo Pound Water Treatment Plant serves the cities of Regina and Moose Jaw, SaskWater, and the Buffalo Pound Provincial Park, which supplies water to many communities in the region. In total, the plant supplies water to over 260,000 people. View Project
Contrecœur Terminal Expansion Montréal, Québec Contrecœur Terminal Constructors General Partnership, has signed a contract with the Montréal Port Authority for the Contrecœur Terminal Expansion project in-water works under a Progressive Design-Build approach. View Project
Darlington New Nuclear Project Clarington, Ontario The Darlington Small Modular Reactor (SMR) will be a GE Hitachi BWRX-300 reactor, a new class of nuclear reactors that provide up to 300 megawatts of electric power – enough to supply over 300,000 homes – and have been designed to reduce construction costs compared to traditional nuclear generating stations. View Project
Darlington Nuclear Refurbishment Clarington, Ontario The Darlington Nuclear Generating Station, one of the top performing nuclear stations in the world, has produced 20% of Ontario’s electricity since the early 1990s. Powering forward, the refurbishment project will extend Darlington’s operations to 2055. View Project
Deerfoot Trail Improvements Calgary, Alberta Aecon is working on four contracts to provide additional lanes and improve safety on Alberta's busiest highway and a critical component in Calgary's transportation network. View Project
Eglinton Crosstown LRT Toronto, Ontario Creating reliable and faster service, the Eglinton Crosstown LRT will run along Eglinton Avenue between Mount Dennis (Weston Road) and Kennedy station. This 19-kilometre corridor will include a 10-kilometre underground portion, between Keele Street and Laird Drive and will have 25 stations and stops. View Project
Eglinton Crosstown West Extension – Elevated Guideway Toronto, Ontario Aecon is delivering the 1.5km elevated guideway for the Eglinton Crosstown West Extension (ECWE), that will run along the north side of Eglinton Avenue West, from just east of Jane Street to just west of Scarlett Road. View Project
Eglinton Crosstown West Extension Advance Tunnel Toronto, Ontario The Eglinton Crosstown West Extension (ECWE) Tunnel will improve mobility for the community, decrease traffic congestion and reduce emissions by providing a new, more sustainable transportation option in Toronto. View Project
Enbridge Gas Inc. Alliance Agreements Ontario and Quebec The extension of Aecon’s legacy alliance agreements with Union Gas and Enbridge Gas Distribution, which merged in 2018 to create Enbridge Gas Inc., represent additional recurring revenue opportunities in utilities operations – building on a 20-year relationship with Enbridge.. View Project
Finch West LRT Toronto, Ontario With 18 new stops and stations spanning from Humber College to Keele, the 11-kilometre Finch West LRT will be a fully integrated system connecting TTC, GO, Miway, YRT, and Züm transit services. View Project
Giant Mine Remediation Yellowknife, Northwest Territories As part of the wider remediation project at Giant Mine, Aecon is constructing a new water treatment plant to process contaminated water from the below-grade mine pools. View Project
GO Expansion On-Corridor Works Greater Golden Horseshoe Area, Ontario The GO Expansion is the largest transit project in Ontario’s history – transforming transit across the province. This innovative, fully integrated contract begins with a two-year collaborative development phase to finalize the scope, commercial structure, and pricing of various elements of the project, with certain construction and early works activities commencing during this phase. View Project
Gordie Howe International Bridge Windsor, Ontario and Detroit, Michigan This once-in-a-generation undertaking includes a 2.5-kilometre cable-stayed bridge with six lanes (three Canadian-bound and three U.S.-bound), and two approach bridges. The bridge connects Windsor, Ontario and Detroit, Michigan and also includes a 130-acre Canadian Port of Entry and a 148-acre U.S. Port of Entry. View Project
Highway 8 Alliance Project Merritt, British Columbia Aecon-Emil Anderson Construction General Partnership (“AEGP”), a 50/50 consortium between Aecon and Emil Anderson Construction, is collaborating with the Province of British Columbia and Urban Systems Limited to deliver the Highway 8 Alliance Project. View Project
Holdom Overpass Project Metro Vancouver, British Columbia Aecon GIG General Partnership, a 50/50 consortium between Aecon and Gateway Infrastructure Group, is delivering the Holdom Overpass Project for the Vancouver Fraser Port Authority. View Project
Howard A. Hanson Dam Additional Water Storage Fish Passage Facility Washington, United States Flatiron-Aecon Joint Venture, an Aecon consortium, is delivering the Howard A. Hanson Dam Additional Water Storage Fish Passage Facility project in Washington State for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. View Project
I-90/SR-18 to Deep Creek Interchange Improvements and Widening Snoqualmie, Washington State The diverging diamond interchange will improve the flow of traffic by reducing the number of traffic signals and offering more free turns for drivers entering and exiting the interstate. Growth in Snoqualmie Valley has resulted in the current I-90/SR-18 interchange being one of the busiest in Washington State. View Project
John Hart Dam Seismic Upgrade Project Campbell River, British Columbia Aecon is the lead partner in a consortium working to deliver the first phase of a two-phase civil construction contract to upgrade the earth stabilizing infrastructure and improve the seismic resiliency of the dam to ensure the continued supply of safe, reliable power for surrounding communities. View Project
Kingstown Port Modernisation Project Works, Lot 1: Primary Cargo Port Saint Vincent and the Grenadines The Kingstown Port Modernisation Project includes designing and building a cargo port and relocating a sewer outfall line, as well as road upgrades and strengthening within the port catchment area in Kingstown. View Project
Ladore Spillway Seismic Upgrade Project Campbell River, British Columbia Aecon EBC Ladore General Partnership, a consortium between Aecon (60%) and EBC (40%), is delivering BC Hydro’s Ladore Spillway Seismic Upgrade Project. This two-phase procurement process includes an Early Contractor Involvement (ECI) phase to collaboratively plan and prepare for construction, with the second phase planned to be complete by the end of 2024. View Project
Montréal-Trudeau International Airport REM Station Montréal, Quebec This critical hub will be a significant addition to Montréal’s transit system and the 67-kilometre REM network. It will take approximately 25 minutes to travel from the station to downtown, with faster and more frequent all-day service. View Project
North Anna Power Station Condenser and Feedwater Heater Replacement Mineral, Virginia Aecon is responsible for planning and design, and the replacement of condenser tube bundles and the 5th and 6th point feedwater heaters at Dominion Energy’s North Anna Power Station in Mineral, Virginia. View Project
Oneida Energy Storage The project is the largest of its kind in Canada and amongst the largest in the world. It will deliver a 250 megawatt / 1,000 megawatt-hour energy storage facility – ensuring the supply of clean, reliable electricity capacity for Ontario while reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 4.1 million tonnes – the equivalent of taking 40,000 cars off the road every year. View Project
Pattullo Bridge Replacement New Westminster and Surrey, British Columbia The new four-lane cable-stayed bridge over the Fraser River will provide network connections to New Westminster and Surrey, feature a centre safety median barrier and wider lanes to accommodate both passenger and commercial vehicles, and have dedicated walking and cycling lanes. View Project
Pickering Nuclear Generating Station Pickering, Ontario A joint venture operation between Aecon and AtkinsRéalis, in which Aecon holds a 50% interest, is carrying out the definition phase work for the retube, feeder and boiler replacement of Units 5, 6, 7 and 8 at the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station in Ontario under a collaborative contract awarded by Ontario Power Generation. View Project
R.W. Bruhn Bridge Replacement Project Sicamous, British Columbia Aecon-Emil Anderson Construction General Partnership (“AEGP”), a 50/50 consortium between Aecon and Emil Anderson Construction, is collaborating with the Province of British Columbia and Urban Systems Limited to deliver the Highway 8 Alliance Project. View Project
Réseau express métropolitain (REM) Montréal Montréal, Québec The REM is a fully automated, electric LRT network that includes 67 kilometres of double tracks, 3.5 kilometres of tunnels, 26 new accessible stations and park-and-ride facilities with associated bus terminals – a transformative project for commuters. View Project
Savannah River Nuclear Solutions Dismantlement and Removal Aiken, South Carolina Aecon is supporting the transition of the Building 226-F Facility to the Savannah River Plutonium Processing Facility by demolition and removal of all components including equipment and bulk commodities while protecting the existing structure. Aecon is also responsible for the design, installation and maintenance of temporary HVAC infrastructure. View Project
Scarborough Subway Extension — Stations, Rail and Systems Scarborough, Ontario Aecon is the lead partner in a consortium working as the development partner to deliver the project using a Progressive Design-Build (PDB) model. The project will extend the TTC’s Line 2 subway service nearly eight kilometres farther from the existing Kennedy Station northeast to McCowan Road and Sheppard Avenue in Toronto. View Project
Second Narrows Water Supply Tunnel Vancouver, British Columbia Ensuring reliable delivery of drinking water for Metro Vancouver, the project includes construction of seismic standard shafts, one on each side of Burrard Inlet, connected by a 1,100-metre tunnel. View Project
Surrey Langley SkyTrain Stations Metro Vancouver, British Columbia South Fraser Station Partners, an Aecon led consortium, is currently working on the Surrey Langley SkyTrain project for the Province of British Columbia. View Project
Winnipeg North End Sewage Treatment Plant (NEWPCC) Winnipeg, Manitoba The Winnipeg North End Sewage Treatment Plant (NEWPCC) project is one of the largest wastewater infrastructure projects in North America. It is the first of three projects for upgrading the NEWPCC, which will help protect Winnipeg’s waterways and meet the needs of its growing population. View Project
Winnipeg North End Sewage Treatment Plant Biosolids Facilities Upgrade Winnipeg, Manitoba Red River Biosolids Partners General Partnership, an Aecon-led consortium with Oscar Renda Contracting of Canada Inc. and MWH Constructors Canada Ltd., is delivering the Winnipeg North End Sewage Treatment Plant (“NEWPCC”) Biosolids Facilities Upgrade project under a Progressive Design-Build contract model for the City of Winnipeg. View Project
Annacis Island Wastewater Treatment Plant Delta, British Columbia Aecon is working on critical upgrades that will allow the Annacis Island Wastewater Treatment Plant to meet the needs of a growing population in Metro Vancouver, strengthen its ability to operate in the event of an earthquake, and adapt to climate change. View Project
Areva McClean Lake Mill Upgrade McClean Lake, Saskatchewan In May 2013, Aecon was selected as general contractor to help AREVA keep up with the global demand by fulfilling a contract to execute all construction work related to a major expansion of its McClean Lake Mill. View Project
Bow River Bridge Twinning Calgary, Alberta Aecon is leading a joint venture with Flatiron that will twin the Bow River Bridge on the Northwest segment of the Calgary Ring Road and widen about 2 kilometres of Northwest Stoney Trail from Crowchild Trail to Scenic Areas Link. View Project
Cape Sharp Tidal Dartmouth and Pictou, Nova Scotia The project delivered one of the world’s first tidal arrays, with the deployment and grid connection of two 16-metre turbines in the Bay of Fundy, each capable of generating 2MW of electricity. View Project
Chatham to Lakeshore Transmission Line Southwestern Ontario Aecon is building a new double-circuit 230-kilovolt transmission line from Hydro One’s Chatham Switching Station to the Lakeshore Switching Station. View Project
Coastal GasLink Pipeline Prince George, British Columbia Aecon’s scope of work for the Coastal GasLink Pipeline project includes construction of 123 kilometres of pipeline for Spread 3, and 74 kilometres of pipeline for Spread 4, northeast of Prince George, British Columbia. View Project
Comox Valley Water Treatment Plant Comox, British Columbia Aecon’s scope of work includes both the design and construction (Design-Build) of the project, including the marine pipeline and intake, raw water pump station, raw water transmission main, water treatment plant, and the treated water transmission main. View Project
Enbridge Line 3 Replacement, Spreads 8 and 9 Brandon and Morden, Manitoba A key project for Canadian oil production, the project involves constructing 92.2 km of pipeline in the area of Brandon, Manitoba for Spread 8, and constructing 96.5 km of pipeline near Morden, Manitoba for Spread 9, extending to the Canada-U.S. border. View Project
F.G. Gardiner Expressway Rehabilitation Project: Section 1 Toronto, Ontario Section 1 of the Gardiner project includes full superstructure replacement between Cherry Street and Jarvis Street, rehabilitation of three ramps, as well as installation of new street lighting, and a Road Emergency Services Communication Unit (RESCU) system. View Project
Highway 401 Expansion Mississauga to Milton, Ontario A key commuter and economic corridor, the Highway 401 expansion project includes an 18-kilometre reconstruction and widening of the Highway 401 in the western part of the GTA, from the Credit River in Mississauga to Regional Road 25 in Milton. View Project
Highway 410 Widening Mississauga and Brampton, Ontario The major reconstruction of Highway 410 has provided much-needed relief to the region’s ever-growing population and improved traffic flow and safety. View Project
Highway 417 Rapid Bridge Rehabilitation and Rapid Bridge Replacement Ottawa, Ontario Removal of the old bridge and construction of the new bridge was completed in stages. Once construction was complete, one lane in each direction was designated as a High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lane. View Project
Highway 91/17 Upgrade Project Delta, British Columbia The scope of work includes the design and construction of improvements to the existing Highway 91 at Nordel interchange, the Highway 91 Connector at Nordel Way, and the Highway 91/17 Connector (Sunbury). View Project
Imperial's Waterdown to Finch Project Hamilton, Ontario to Toronto, Ontario The Somerville-Aecon Waterdown to Finch Pipeline Joint Venture is currently working on the Waterdown to Finch Pipeline project, a proactive measure to ensure continued safe and reliable fuel supply. View Project
Inter Pipeline Expansion Edmonton to Fort McMurray, Alberta The project ultimately added about 840 kilometres to the Cold Lake and Polaris pipelines, and increased network capacity between oil sands-producing regions and market hubs by an additional 850,000 barrels per day. View Project
John Hart Generating Station Replacement Project Campbell River, British Columbia The first P3 delivery of a hydroelectric facility in Canada; this project fostered excellence from the outset, with its innovative underground design and commitment to environmental protection. View Project
K+S Potash Legacy Mine Bethune, Saskatchewan Aecon was awarded the first of a series of contracts for the Legacy Project that included early cavern development work, well pad construction, structural steel fabrication and erection, foundation construction and mechanical, piping, electrical and instrumentation work for the tank farm and the plant. View Project
Kemano Generating Station Second Tunnel Kitimat, British Columbia Aecon is constructing the second tunnel for the Kemano Generating station in Kitimat, British Columbia. Completion of a second tunnel will ensure the long-term reliability of the power supply, supporting the state-of-the-art aluminum production business by delivering clean, renewable energy to power the BC Works smelter for decades to come. View Project
Kicking Horse Canyon Project – Phase 4 Golden, British Columbia A joint venture in which Aecon is the lead partner is upgrading approximately 4.8 kilometres of the highway, constructing new bridges, realigning 13 curves and widening the highway to four lanes, with median barriers and wider shoulders to accommodate cyclists. View Project
L.F. Wade International Airport Redevelopment St. George’s, Bermuda Aecon is working with the Canadian Commercial Corporation, the Government of Bermuda, and Bermudians to develop, finance, design, build, operate and maintain Bermuda’s new world-class airport. View Project
Lafarge Exshaw Expansion Exshaw, Alberta On this project, scope included the erection of a preheater tower, rotary kiln and cooler equipment, as well as structural, mechanical and civil work. View Project
Northeast Anthony Henday Drive Edmonton, Alberta Aecon was an integrated joint venture partner on the team responsible for carrying out the design and construction portions of the road’s final 27-kilometre northeast section, running from Manning Drive to Whitemud Drive. View Project
Northwest Redwater Sturgeon Refinery Sturgeon, Alberta Aecon completed the fabrication and installation of modules and piping for two of the refinery’s units. View Project
Nova Chemicals Area 100/200 Mechanical and Piping Installation Project Sarnia, Ontario Aecon's scope of work includes structural steel erection and piping. View Project
Peace River Bridge Twinning Peace River, Alberta Improving access to key resource industry areas in northern Alberta, the Peace River Bridge project includes construction of a new bridge structure, with traffic flowing west through Peace River on the new bridge and east through Peace River on the existing bridge twinning 1.6 kilometres of Highway 2 through Peace River, Alberta. View Project
Port Mann Main Water Supply Tunnel Greater Vancouver, British Columbia Aecon completed construction of a Water Supply Tunnel under the Fraser River which forms part of Greater Vancouver’s water transmission system risk management program. View Project
Regina Wastewater Treatment Plant Regina, Saskatchewan Aecon completed the mechanical, electrical, instrumentation and programming portions of the project. The new plant has an increased capacity of 25 per cent and can meet the needs of a population of up to 260,000 people, the anticipated size of Regina by the year 2035. View Project
Site C Generating Station and Spillways (GSS) Civil Works Fort St. John, British Columbia The Site C GSS Civil Works is one of the largest contracts to be awarded for the Site C Project – construction of a hydroelectric dam and generating station on the Peace River in northeast British Columbia. View Project
Spectra Energy Pipeline Facilities British Columbia and Alberta Aecon’s Master Services Agreement (MSA) contract with Spectra Energy is a four-year contract in which Aecon will construct a number of natural gas facilities in British Columbia and Alberta. View Project
Trans Mountain Expansion Project, Spread 1 Edmonton, Alberta This project is being carried out by SA Energy Group, a 50/50 joint venture between Aecon and Robert B. Somerville Co. Limited, contracted to execute pipeline construction on Spread 1 of the Trans Mountain Expansion Project. View Project
Union-Pearson Express Toronto, Ontario Aecon completed construction of the three-kilometre elevated spur line that connects the line to the airport, and the Union-Pearson Express Station at Terminal 1. View Project
Waterloo Ion Stage 1 LRT Kitchener/Waterloo, Ontario As a member of the GrandLinq consortium, Aecon helped Ontario’s Waterloo Region link its ever-growing urban communities with the construction of a new light rail transit (LRT) public transportation system. View Project
Wilde Lake Compressor and Meter Stations and Kitimat Meter Stations British Columbia Aecon is the prime contractor for construction of the Wilde Lake Compressor and Meter Stations and the Kitimat Meter Station in British Columbia that will become the anchor points of the natural gas pipeline. View Project
CBC Headquarters Toronto, Ontario and Vancouver, British Columbia The Canadian Broadcasting Centre in Toronto entered service in 1993. Aecon also redeveloped the CBC Vancouver headquarters, reaching completion in 2009.
Complexe Desjardins Montreal, Quebec Covering a total area of approximately 4 million square feet, Complexe Desjardins is the largest building in the Montreal metropolitan area.
Ferihegy Airport Expansion Budapest, Hungary Aecon completed construction of a new terminal (2/B) and the modification of an existing terminal (2/A), including apron, taxiways, roads, bridges and other airside and landside infrastructures. View Project
Nathpa Jhakri Hydroelectric Himalayan Mountains, Northern India The 1500 MW Nathpa Jhakri Hydroelectric Project, located in Kinnaur and Shimla Districts of Himachal Pradesh, was a run-of-the river type development, proposed to harness hydroelectric potential of the upper reaches of the river Satluj. View Project
Wolsong Tritium Removal Facility Wolsong, Korea Aecon assembled one of the comprised four AECL skids destined for the Wolsong Tritium Removal Facility located in Korea. View Project
John Hart Generating Station Replacement Project Campbell River, British Columbia The first P3 delivery of a hydroelectric facility in Canada; this project fostered excellence from the outset, with its innovative underground design and commitment to environmental protection. View Project
Quito International Airport Quito, Ecuador A winner of multiple industry awards, this state-of-the-art airport is an engine of economic growth for Ecuador. View Project
Cross Israel Highway Israel This P3 project was the first of its kind in Israel. Modelled after Ontario’s Highway 407 ETR, it is widely recognized as a resounding success. View Project
Highway 407 Express Toll Route Greater Toronto Area, Ontario The world's first electronic toll highway created much-needed traffic relief for commuters across the north of Toronto. View Project
Bloor-Danforth Subway Toronto, Ontario The construction of Toronto's subway system helped to move Toronto forward as a modern North American city.
CN Tower Toronto, Ontario The construction of Canada's most recognizable landmark created the tallest free-standing structure in the world.
Gardiner Expressway Toronto, Ontario The construction of the Gardiner Expressway modernized travel at the time into the downtown core of Toronto.
Lester B. Pearson International Airport Toronto, Ontario The construction of Terminal 1 and 3 helped establish Pearson International as Canada’s largest airport.
Montreal-Trudeau Airport Montréal, Quebec Construction of the Montreal-Trudeau Airport modernized international and domestic air travel into Montreal.
Pantages Theatre Toronto, Ontario The construction of the beautiful Pantages Theatre brought old world sophistication to Canadian culture.
Place Ville Marie Montréal, Quebec The construction of one of Canada's first "skyscrapers" brought Montreal into the modern age.
St. John's Harbour St. John’s, Newfoundland The modernization of St. John's Harbour improved trade to Canada and brought prosperity to Newfoundland.
St. Lawrence Seaway Iroquois, Ontario Connecting the Great Lakes to ocean shipping was critical to expanding Canadian trade and our economy.
Vancouver Ferry Terminal Vancouver, British Columbia The construction of the Vancouver Ferry Terminal helped enhance travel between Vancouver and Victoria.
Windsor Station Montréal, Quebec Doubling the size of Windsor Station helped the Canadian Pacific Railway unite Canadians from coast to coast.